Love Heal Grow Therapists
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Maria Dimachkie, ACSW

Maria Dimachkie, ACSW

Therapist | 160 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Trauma: Sexual Assault & Relationship Abuse, Anxiety & Depression | Waitlist
Ella Sword, AMFT

Ella Sword, AMFT

Therapist | 160 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Parenting, Trauma and Stress | Accepting Clients
Samaria Parada, AMFT

Samaria Parada, AMFT

Therapist | 160 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Trauma & Anxiety, Depression, Bilingual (English/Spanish) | Accepting Clients - Evening/Weekends Available
Abby Hollandsworth, AMFT

Abby Hollandsworth, AMFT

Therapist | 160 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Teens - Anxiety, Depression, Anger, LGBTQ+, Trauma & Grief | Accepting Clients
Ann Marie McKnight, LMFT

Ann Marie McKnight, LMFT

Therapist | 250 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Grief & Loss, Adults who experienced Childhood Emotional Neglect, Family Therapy for Parents & Adult Children | Waitlist
Lindsay Glass, LMFT (Online Only)

Lindsay Glass, LMFT (Online Only)

Therapist | 200 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Parenting Couples, Cycle-breaking Moms, Deep Thinkers & Deep Feelers | Waitlist
Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only)

Emily Alampi, AMFT (Online Only)

Therapist | 170 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Anxiety & Stress, Frustration & Anger, LGBTQ+, People who feel like they don't fit in | Accepting clients - Early AM Available
Ashley Barnes, AMFT

Ashley Barnes, AMFT

Therapist | 180 per therapy session | Sex & Relationship Therapy, Low Self Esteem, Trauma & Anxiety, High-Achievers & Type-A Personalities | Accepting Clients
Natalie Delfin, LCSW

Natalie Delfin, LCSW

Therapist & Clinical Supervisor | 200 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, LGBTQ+, Learning to express feelings, More Pleasurable Sex, When you and your partner want different things sex-wise | Accepting Clients
Madison Hamzy, LMFT (Online Only)

Madison Hamzy, LMFT (Online Only)

Therapist & Assistant Director | 250 per therapy session | Early mornings available | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Trauma & Anxiety, People who get stuck in their heads and worry a lot | Accepting Clients
Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only)

Joanna de Leon, AMFT (Online Only)

Therapist | 170 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Dating & Pre-Marital Relationships, Stress, Burnout & Pressure to be Successful, Current & Former Athletes | Accepting Clients
Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT

Madilyn Schweikert, AMFT

Therapist | 160 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Stress & Anxiety, Creatives & Sensitive Adults, People who have felt misunderstood | Accepting Clients - Evening/Weekends Available
Maegan Tanner, AMFT

Maegan Tanner, AMFT

Therapist | 170 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, LGBTQIA+, Stress & Burnout, Anxiety and Trauma | Accepting Clients
Susan DuBay, LMFT

Susan DuBay, LMFT

Therapist | 200 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Survivors of Abuse and Trauma, LGBTQ+, Anxiety & Stress, IFS/Parts Work, Folks wanting to go deep in their trauma work | Waitlist
Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder

Megan Negendank, LMFT, CST Founder

Therapist, Clinical Supervisor & Founder | 450 per therapy session | Relationship Trauma, Emotional & Physical Intimacy | Not accepting clients at this time.
Rachel Cloud, LCSW

Rachel Cloud, LCSW

Therapist & Clinical Supervisor | 200 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Trauma & Anxiety, LGBTQ+, Parenting, People who care deeply and are told they are "too much" | Waitlist
Flo Oliveira, AMFT

Flo Oliveira, AMFT

Therapist & Coach | 170 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, QTBIPOC, More Pleasure in Sex, CNM & Kink Affirming, People worried about their porn-use & other sexual activities | Accepting Clients - Evenings Available
Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only)

Linda Rolufs, LMFT (Online Only)

Therapist | 240 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Anxiety & OCD, Moms & Women Who Feel Invisible, People who give more to others than to themselves | Accepting Clients - Early AM Available
Jessie Regan, LMFT

Jessie Regan, LMFT

Therapist & Clinical Supervisor | 270 per therapy session | Relationship Therapy, Healing from Infidelity, Discernment & Divorce, Workplace Stress & Pressure, Eating Disorders | Accepting Clients - evenings & weekends available
Hannah Slicton-Williams, LMFT

Hannah Slicton-Williams, LMFT

Therapist | 200 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Healing from Trauma - Relationship Abuse, Violence, and Sexual Assault, Communication & Connection, Love after Trauma | Accepting Clients - Evenings Available
Charisse Brass, AMFT

Charisse Brass, AMFT

Therapist | 170 per therapy session | Relationship & Sex Therapy, Emotional & Physical Connection, Stress & Burnout in Highly Productive People, Existential Angst & Life Meaning | On Leave July 2024 through Fall 2024
Love Heal Grow Relationship Therapy Center Sacramento

Free Relationship Therapy Starter Pack

*How to Find a Therapist

*What to Expect in Your First Appointment

*How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

*How to talk to your boss about going to therapy during the workday

*How to seek reimbursement for therapy from your PPO plan

*Over twenty pages of relationship and life stressor tips and exercises that it would usually take 10+ therapy sessions to cover.

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