by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
Our wonderful Executive Director, Megan Negendank, was featured on a Valentine’s Day segment on ABC 10 News! She describes what couples therapy is and some common reasons couples may come to our practice. Hi! I’m Megan Negendank, founder and executive...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationship Abuse
At Love Heal Grow, most of our clients are survivors of abuse. Sadly, this isn’t surprising as 1 in 4 women have experienced violence by a partner, 7 million children live in families in which severe partner violence has occurred, and 500 women are sexually assaulted...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
My recently engaged little sister is in the midst of planning her wedding. After celebrating 11 years of marriage to my husband over the weekend, I thought about what advice I might offer her as she prepares to marry a wonderful person. So here they are, 11...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships, Sex
Why it hurts and how sex therapy helps A new couple walks into my office and here is what they share: Partner A: “I’m so frustrated; it feels like we never have sex anymore. My partner cares more about the kids and their job than making love to me. They...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Couples, Partners, & Marriage, Sex
You started out hot and heavy and now you can’t remember the last time you got it on. Whether it’s been a few weeks, a few months, or a few years, it can be painful and confusing when sex has somehow fallen off the agenda. Are you in a sexless...