by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
Leading couples researcher and therapist, John Gottman, PhD has found that the average couple waits 6 years before seeking help for marital problems. That is a long time to be unhappy in a relationship! If you are considering starting therapy to improve your...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships
Do you Valentine’s Day? I’m hearing more and more from couples who are over the corporate-push and forced-feeling of the holiday. Ring true for you? I also know couples who love the holiday. They share joy and connection over cards, flowers and chocolates—and if this...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | General Counseling, Relationships
Are you curious about premarital counseling? Cool! I was curious, too, back when I was engaged and before I was a counselor. My now-husband and I thought it was something we might want to do, but we had the HARDEST time finding any real information on what to...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | General Counseling, Relationships
It’s normal to be nervous or even overwhelmed while you make the decision to call a counselor and take the first step to getting help. Your willingness to explore this option and take the first step shows how brave you can be and how much you care about improving your...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | General Counseling, Relationships
~.~ Have you been wanting to start couples therapy, but your partner says ‘no way!’? There are many reasons someone might be nervous about starting couples counseling, so it’s possible your partner is having some of these concerns. Here are my tips...