5 Minute De-stress Routine

Let’s talk about a 5-minute de-stress routine that anyone can easily add into their workday or stressful day at home.

This is a simple breathing technique—which I love because when things are simple, it’s very easy to add them into our day and still notice some great positive effects.

I started using this technique a few years ago. At the time, I was noticing my stress increasing at work and I needed a way to cope.

There were so many great things I loved about my work, and it was also a job where I felt like I was bouncing around one thing to the next, often having more and more added to my plate—more and more I could be doing if there were only more hours in the day to get it all done.

I felt overwhelmed, frustrated and stuck.

Stress was taking a toll on my body, my attitude and my relationships

I sat down and realized, “Hey. My days are really busy. I should carve out some time to take care of myself. If I don’t, stress will continue to take a toll on myself, the people I work with and my relationships.”

Add this 5 minute de-stress routine today:

Pour a Cup of Tea
Warm tea is comforting and engages our senses. Adding a cup of tea to my daily routine made this time feel more special and I noticed myself start to relax the moment I picked up my mug.

Find a Quiet Space
If you have an office, shut your door. If you are in cubicles or share space, maybe you put in ear buds with some relaxing music. If there isn’t anywhere in your building where you can block people out, try sitting outside or even in your car.

Practice Square Breathing
This is a technique you can use any time. When I added this to my routine, I felt more relaxed within the first round of breathing and when I finished, I felt like I could conquer the day.

Follow this visual to practice square breathing:

Square Breathing

This breathing calms us, increases mindfulness, connects us with ourselves and helps balance our nervous system.

For those of us who have a tendency to get really focused at work, forgetting to take care of ourselves as stress increases, this simple exercise can bring you peace and help you feel better—and ready to continue conquering your day without burning out.


As always, I’d love to hear from you on this topic or anything else.

If you are interested in working through some of the issues you are facing with a supportive professional so that you can feel better & lead the life you want—let’s connect!

Love Heal Grow Relationship Therapy Center Sacramento

Free Relationship Therapy Starter Pack

*How to Find a Therapist

*What to Expect in Your First Appointment

*How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

*How to talk to your boss about going to therapy during the workday

*How to seek reimbursement for therapy from your PPO plan

*Over twenty pages of relationship and life stressor tips and exercises that it would usually take 10+ therapy sessions to cover.

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