by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Anxiety, Relationships, Sex
A couple sits in my office. One partner is sad and frustrated that the other doesn’t seem to be interested in sex anymore. They are feeling very rejected. The other partner says quietly, eyes looking down, “Honestly, it’s not about...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Anxiety, Relationships, Sex
Have you heard that statistic that public speaking is most people’s number one fear – rated higher for most folks than their fear of death? It’s often not the actual act of speaking publicly that we are afraid of. It’s all the negative thoughts and fears...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Relationships, Sex
My heart breaks every time a woman with male partner comes into my office convinced she is the only woman in the world with a higher sex drive than her boyfriend/husband. She tells me like she’s sharing a shameful secret. Like even I, a sex therapist,...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Anxiety, Relationships, Sex
Here at Love Heal Grow Counseling, we are contacted multiple times a week by men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED). Sometimes it’s been going on for years, sometimes they thought the issues were behind them only to be caught off guard by...
by Megan Lara Negendank, MS | Anxiety, Relationships, Sex
Myth: Women are less sexual than men. Myth: Women lose all interest in sex after marriage or as they get older. Myth: If you don’t get turned on easily or often, you don’t enjoy or care about sex as much as someone who does. Women who...