Blog Header_ Female Sexuality Low Desire

Myth: Women are less sexual than men.


Myth: Women lose all interest in sex after marriage or as they get older.


Myth: If you don’t get turned on easily or often, you don’t enjoy or care about sex as much as someone who does.


Women who have a low desire for sex–or just a lot less than their partner–may feel embarrassed talking about their thoughts and feelings on the issue.  If this is you, you might feel confused if you didn’t used to have this issue and guilty if you feel like you are letting your partner down–or even frustrated if you feel a lot of pressure to satisfy them.


Maybe you feel stressed with everything else going on in life (work, parenting, family, home life, bills) and sex gets pushed down to the bottom of the list.  Though, deep down you know it’s something you want to work on.  You’re just unsure of how to go about getting to a better place or it’s even possible.


Fact: Women do not get enough support exploring their sexuality.


There’s a feeling I get every time I’m sitting in a first appointment with a woman who wants to explore her feelings about sex and who maybe (just maybe, you know…if it’s possible) improve her sex drive.  The feeling I’m having as I talk to her?  It’s sort of like how I felt the night before my birthday or Christmas when I was a kid.


Wait–is that weird?  That’s just how much I look forward to getting to know my clients woman-to-woman and to help them explore their thoughts, feelings, concerns, and desires.  These conversations we have together are like little gifts, opening our eyes to relatable experiences, new perspectives, and even an awaking of feelings inside that she thought maybe weren’t there anymore.


Women are sexual beings and deserve a supportive environment to gain new perspective, education and tips to better their sexual health.


When it comes to your sexuality, you don’t have to feel:

  • embarrassed (seriously, we’ve all been there),
  • or guilty (but we’ll listen to you talk through those feels)
  • or stressed (it’s your life, you choose your own goals and the pace at which we work)
  • or alone (cause girl, you’re not).


If you are looking for support in this area, you can schedule an appointment with one of our therapists.  We are here to help.





Love Heal Grow Relationship Therapy Center Sacramento

Free Relationship Therapy Starter Pack

*How to Find a Therapist

*What to Expect in Your First Appointment

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*Over twenty pages of relationship and life stressor tips and exercises that it would usually take 10+ therapy sessions to cover.

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